Your Skin Can be Beautiful

The skincare industry has seen unprecedented growth in the past 5 years due to the increasing demand of consumers for more quality products that solve different kinds of skin problems. From wrinkles to severe acne, a lot of products have emerged in the market to help us achieve that flawless skin everybody seems to want to have. Media has played an important part in this growth due to constant portrayals of models as having immaculate skin. Of course we all know a little bit computer editing had a lot to do with it, we still buy in to the idea that the pictures we see are true.

Thanks to science and the rediscovery of old beauty secrets, we now have a lot of new products in our arsenal in fighting problematic skin and help us become our most beautiful self. The perfect skin we see in magazines may almost be too good to be true, but finding the right regimen for our skin can help us get a little bit closer to perfection.

Finding the right skin regimen is very important to achieving beautiful skin. We need to know our skin type and understand the basics of skincare. Knowing these can help us pick the right products for us to use. Remember that a lot of products in the market can target specific types of skin problems and we can use them to our advantage. Products with retinol are especially helpful in eliminating wrinkles because of its exfoliating properties, so knowing such information can help one achieve perfect skin easily.

Following these time-tested skincare tips, your skin, and more importantly you, can be beautiful.

Picking the Right Cleanser

Cleansers are very important in achieving beautiful skin. Washing away excess oil and dead skin debris can lighten your complexion instantly. It's important to find one that fits your skin type if you want to get the full benefits of the product. Skin cleansers are available for dry, oily, and combination skin so be sure to pick one that's right for you.

Being gentle is important for cleansers especially for people with oily skin that needs to be washed as often as needed. Excess oil when not removed can clog your pores and cause acne to breakouts. Harsh cleansers can damage our skin by stripping away its natural moisture barrier and can cause more long-term damage like wrinkles. Pick a gentle, oil-free, non-comedogenic formula to be sure you are not going to harm your sensitive skin.


Toning not only cleans our skin but basically prepares it for the application of makeup or treatment. Toning should never be skipped in the makeup or treatment process as it helps our skin receive the full potency and benefits of the products we are using. Toning prevents pimples and readies your pores for moisturizing. Before applying moisturizers, tone your skin with a gentle toner or astringent. This removes any potential debris left from washing that can cause pimples and most importantly, it makes sure your skin receives evenly receives the effects of the moisturizer.

Pick an Oil-free Moisturizer

The right moisturizer can do wonders for our skin. It can prevent pre-mature wrinkles and prevents the sagging effects of aging. People who use moisturizers daily can receive the full benefits of moisture for their skin. They tend to show lesser signs of aging and their skin has a more elastic and firm quality compared to people who don't moisturize at all.

Applying alight layer of moisturizer as your makeup base can create a more natural look and feel compared to just applying makeup directly after toning. Picking an oil-free moisturizer is very important because people with oily skin tend to breakout more easily when using moisturizers with oils. Young skin can benefit from moisturizers too because staring early helps your skin fight the negative effects of the pollution and stress.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Avoiding the sun can be very beneficial for our skin. Ultraviolet rays not only cause wrinkles to show earlier but it can also cause skin cancer a disease that is actually quite common than previously thought to be. Too much sun exposure can cause pre-mature aging, spot formations, and increase melanin production. Pimple scars also take longer to lighten when always exposed to the sun.

If you want to get a tan, you can use the help of tanning lotions so you can lessen the time you have to spend under the sun. Getting the darker skin color you like can also be achieved by using new products in the market that darkens the skin without sun exposure. Be sure the wide variety of products available in the market so your skin can be at its beautiful best.

Stop Smoking and Watch What You Eat

Smoking and eating tons of junk food can cause major damage to our skin. Smoking not only introduces harmful chemicals in our system but also dries the skin and cause bad breath. A healthy diet has been proven to produce a healthier skin glow while eating high-fat junk food can cause breakouts, make skin oilier and reduce the tautness of the skin.

Following a healthy lifestyle and eating right can truly help your skin tremendously. Not only will you be beautiful outside but you will be generally healthier inside - and that leads to a healthier glow in your skin without needed the help of makeup.

Don't Underestimate the Power of the Concealer

If you are really going through a lot of stress and you âre breaking out like crazy, you can use a non-comedogenic concealer to help you cover up your problem skin. Just be sure to prep your skin by toning and moisturizing before applying the concealer.

by Nathalie Fiset M.D.

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